This week we are shining the spotlight on Karin Keller, aka the adventure gal behind Coastal Kells! Karin loves the outdoors as much as we love our couch on Sunday nights. She camps in the wilderness - like for real. None of this yurt glamping bullsh*t. Fulfil all your wanderlust desires and follow this coastal beauty!
How did you get started as a creator?
I accidentally got into content creation by being an avid hiker and nature lover! I’ve always loved the outdoors and photography and quickly grew a following after posting about my adventures and it's been growing rapidly in the last year.
What’s your favourite part of being a creator?
My favourite part is the hiking, the adventuring and the memories from the stunning places. It’s incredible to witness an amazing sunset or sunrise with friends and then be able to look back on those memories through stunning images.
What's your greatest achievement to date?
I believe my greatest achievement to date is being selected to go to Brazil on a Rotary Youth Exchange. I’ve always been passionate about travel, culture and language learning and I was able to spend a year abroad in Sao Paulo Brazil to learn Portuguese. That experience has fueled my passion for the outdoors and travel and what motivates me to work as a content creator.
What's the biggest item on your bucket list?
Right now my biggest item is to go on a Safari in Africa and to go to Madagascar to see the Baobabs! It’s been one of my biggest dreams since I was a kid.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Somewhere very very hot like California, Italy or Australia. I love the heat and beach and sun culture and want to be in a place full of sunshine, ocean and outdoor fitness!
How do you choose where you will travel next?
I choose my travel locations based on practicality, long term planning and whatever makes me the most excited and happy! I’m off to Italy in a month as it's been something I’ve been dreaming of for the last 5 years!
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
“If it is to be, it is up to me!” which to me means, whatever you want to do you can achieve no matter what. We are the directors of our own lives and can live any life we want depending on how hard we work for it and how much we want something.
If you could travel with anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be?
I would love to travel with my best friend Fiona who lives in Norway! I haven’t seen her in five years and know we could go anywhere in the world together and have the most amazing experience with plenty of laughter, fun and friend making along the way!