It can sometimes be difficult to feel grateful when you're dealing with the anxieties and stresses of life (like still being trapped in a worldwide pandemic after almost two years, for example). But it's necessary to take a step back, look around you, and gain a little perspective on what's most important.
In past blogs, I've asked my coworkers for their top WFH tips, their biggest piece of career advice, and even what it's like to intern at The Influence Agency.
This time I decided to ask them, what are you thankful for?
Here are their answers.

We have all gone through so much over the last 18 months and for that, I am thankful for science which allowed us to get back outside this year and has 2022 looking so good! Having experienced life in a very limited capacity in 2020, I am thankful for friends and family who keep me strong and keep me laughing.
I am extremely grateful and thankful for the opportunity and work that I get to do with The Influence Agency. This team is full of wonderful people who have become my best friends and work is never a dull moment. I am thankful the partners trusted me in a new position that has allowed me to grow and thrive in the digital marketing space.
Finally, let’s all be thankful that sweat-suits were trendy this year (and low-waisted jeans were not), and that Britney is getting her freedom back! #FreeBritney

I think that Thanksgiving is one of the most slept-on events of the year! If there’s one thing the pandemic has provided, it’s an opportunity to slow down. Pause. Reflect. Super thankful for health, family, and this amazing TIA Team who have grown and powered through a very challenging period of time!

I'm thankful for a life filled with purposeful work, curious questions, and fearless experiences. I'm thankful for every hug, high five, and heart-to-heart moment I've shared with people this year. And I'm thankful for each and everyone one of you who read this, even if I don't know you... Thank you for being you.

Of course, I’m constantly thankful for my health, family, partner, friends, my job, etc. However, there are smaller things in life that I’m also thankful for such as:
- Free shipping (don’t lie, you’re thankful for this too)
- Polaroid pictures
- Receiving a new stamp on a passport
- When a restaurant surprises you with dessert on your birthday
- Winning a giveaway
- Good skin days
- When the right song comes on at the right time
- A random compliment from a stranger
- Frozen pizza in the freezer after coming home from a night out
- Thoughtful gift wrapping
- No line-ups when you’re in a rush
- Cancelled plans when you didn’t want to go anyway
- Going to bed in freshly clean bedsheets

I'm thankful for the range of diversity of culture and thought in this city and country. I'm thankful to have a space for creativity amongst an innovative, genuine, and talented group of people who challenge me. I'm thankful for how the pandemic changed the working world and highlighted that people are non-static beings and that there is value in that. I'm thankful that my family in Ireland have their health, and for my nephew who became a great source of entertainment during the pandemic. I'm thankful for autumn temperatures and light jackets, my first Canadian fall, and when the snow starts I'll be super thankful for that.

2021 for me is going to go down in history as the year of big moves! I moved into a bigger home, completed a website development course, got my driver's licence (Woohoo!), bought a car, and received a promotion on both the professional and personal fronts.
I couldn’t be more thankful for all that this year has given me and for my family & friends. BUT if there is one thing I am SO grateful for every single day, it has got to be the TIA team! I genuinely enjoy coming to work every day because it makes my heart happy! So much so that I hate taking a sick day because I would miss out on work! How many people can actually say that? Excited about stepping into 2022 with some life-changing experiences!
Happy Thanksgiving, y’all!

I’m thankful for so much every day: my beautiful family, amazing friends, and incredible TIA team. I’m lucky to be surrounded by smart, loving, and genuine people in my life — and I couldn’t be more thankful for that since it makes me a better version of myself.
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you get to enjoy it with the people you love!

I’m thankful for so many things, but if I have to narrow it down I’d have to say I'm the most thankful for my family and friends' health and happiness as well as my amazing co-workers here at TIA! The team took a chance on me at the beginning of the year and I cannot be more thankful for that. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

At the end of the day, there are so many things for me to be thankful for — having a healthy family, supportive friends, the best ever TIA Team, a roof over my head, delicious food, incredible opportunities, and the ability to always learn. On a less serious note, I’m also thankful for warm coffee on an early morning, BTS, and my mom’s cooking. Happy Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for a never-ending list of things. I truly am so grateful for everything within my life and could not begin to list everything. I have a wonderful and loving partner; an amazing, healthy, supportive family; long-lasting friendships (who are basically family); and also an amazing extended family that supports me just like their own son. I am very thankful that I have an amazing job that gives me things I could never have dreamed of and the ability to showcase my talents in exciting ways. I am thankful for my ability to travel and see the world from a different perspective. I am thankful I have a roof over my head and a safe haven, and that I have the luxury to afford to live in downtown Toronto. I am thankful for life's little moments, downtime, and also the good that came out of the pandemic — focusing more on mental health, self-help, and physical health, as well as having the ability to slow down, save money, and connect more with my partner and my family whether that was in person or virtually. I am thankful for the TIA Team and the amount of support and love that we have for one another.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect — it’s also a time to remind ourselves about how amazing life actually is in the opportunities that are presented to us every single day.
We have the opportunity to build connections and nurture relationships with people that truly understand us. We have the opportunity to do what makes us happy. We have the opportunity to share what brings us joy with those around us.
This Thanksgiving is all about revelling in these opportunities. Take a walk in the park to admire the leaves changing colour, play a board game with your family, give your dog an extra boop on the nose — life is too short and you shouldn’t miss out on the little opportunities we get every single day to appreciate the world around us — as well as those that make it so great!

This has been a weird 18 months and while a lot of it has been not-so-great, I’m thankful it gave me and my husband the chance to spend more time together with our two sons. During my first mat leave my husband barely saw our kid outside of weekends, but when I had our second in July 2020, he spent almost as much time with him as I did! Wild concept.
I’m also thankful I’ve taken the time to slow down and try to figure out this whole “work-life balance” thing. Taking time for myself, for my family, and for the things that are truly important in life has been an awesome learning curve.
So yes, while this whole pandemic was overall terrible, I’m choosing to focus on the good it gave me and my family. Oh, and schools reopening. I’m very, very thankful for schools reopening.

I am thankful to everyone who believed in me. I am thankful for this wonderful life I have. I am thankful to God who gave me that moment when I can feel satisfaction in my life.

I’m thankful for my family and friends who at this point in my life are my chosen family. I’m thankful to be in a position where I am able to wake up every day and do what I love, with a team that is so creative and so talented that it inspires me to be my best as well.
What Are You Thankful For?
Let us know in the comments below what you're thankful for this year. We'd love to hear from you. And, most importantly, have a great Thanksgiving!