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How influencers adjusted to COVID-19

How Influencers Have Adjusted To COVID-19

Last Updated

February 3, 2023

Originally Published

May 1, 2020


Samuel Butcher

Creative Director

During these unprecedented times of COVID-19, many brands, businesses, and influencers have had to pivot their content strategies. We recently reached out to a few of Canada’s top influencers to find out exactly how they have adapted their content and how they are working through COVID-19 as they navigate communication with their fans, followers, and community.

Continue reading below to hear all about how each of them is tackling these difficult times ensuring they do not sound tone-deaf and that they are authentically engaging while readjusting their content, and continuing to work on promoting brandcampaigns.

Hugo Filipe – @mrhugofilipe

“It’s really about making content that connects with people, especially during these times. I’ve really used this time to explore more of my creative side and have more fun with my content. Oddly enough forcing me to be at home and create content in my space has gotten some creative juices flowing. I’ve been avoiding discussing COVID-19 too often. It’s great to keep people informed but I want the content to be a little more fun and lighthearted.

I think posting too much about COVID no longer makes your page a positive space that people want to come and visit. As for sponsored content, I reached out and discussed with every campaign that was in the works to make sure we changed the tone and messaging to something more relatable. You have to. There’s no way around it. If people continue doing their sponsored content, as usual, it’ll be really tone-deaf and potentially negative for you and the brand.”

Safinaaz Rawji – @thegreycanvas

“In the last couple of weeks, we have seen a huge shift in how influencers have engaged with their audience. The communication we have is more open and relatable because we are all experiencing the highs and lows of social distancing and self-quarantine. We are all trying to find ways to entertain our selves and creating a safe haven that it’s okay if you didn’t learn a new language at the end of this period. Not everyone is the same. Some are in quarantine alone and seek meditation, frequent facetime sessions with friends and family to feel connected. Some are in quarantine looking after kids and are in survival mode, taking one day at a time without losing it because they didn’t get anything done personally.

When it comes to branded or organic content, we have learned to get more personal and have shifted in our messaging. We want to create a light-hearted space where our words resonate with our audience. We are going through some extremely tough times, and some far worse than others so right now is an important time to make

important time to make everyone feel okay.”

Matt Edwards – @mattredwards

“For my content during this time, I’ve made my posts either obviously talking about this current situation, or circulating content around Spring or other things, as a happy distraction. I’ve still made content around fashion and lifestyle, but I’ll address the current pandemic lightly, while still being positive & trying to look at all this from a brighter perspective.”

Whitney Japuncic – @whitneyjco

“I think it’s important to keep doing what makes you happy. Let your followers know they’re not alone. Try to create new and different content to hopefully be a positive influence during this difficult time.  ”

Justin Walls – @justwalls

“Initially, when COVID-19 broke, it was important for me to address whether the images I was posting were recently taken indoors to support the “stay home” initiative or if they weren’t, then to address that the image was old. That was a big adjustment because I was nervous to be posting pictures that featured me outside when the world is experiencing a global pandemic because of social contact and interaction. I’ve also had contracts with brands that have changed their product focus from activewear, to specially feature loungewear or casual looks to accommodate to everyone being indoors. So there’s definitely been a bit of shift.”

Cloe Thomson – @cloe.thomson

“Life isn’t the same now. Many people have lost income, isolated and lacking from their support systems, and feeling stressed and uncertain about their futures. Influencers who have successfully adapted to these social changes are sharing even more authentically; by sharing products that can be purchased online, How-to’s and DIY’s on a budget or free, and creating content that brings meaning to their followers – either by distraction, connection or both.”

Amanda Weldon – @belowtheblonde

“When it comes to branded and organic content, little has changed for how I decide what I want to create and share. My north star will always be centered around sharing content that is relatable and brings lights to my community. That being said, I feel a deep privilege for having a platform that people follow and engage with. More than that, I feel a responsibility to advocate for front line workers and local businesses, promote physical distancing, and share any wellness advice that I resonate with. Most importantly, I want to be authentic with my followers and share my own personal highs and lows through this pandemic.”

It’s imperative that if you have a platform, that you should use it to uplift your communities during this time. Continue to stay positive, share your experiences and story, continue to create and to continue to share what inspires you, and keeps you busy during these times. We’re all in this together, and it’s important that we band together and stick together! Stay healthy and stay home. 

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